From September 2019 to November 2021, as part of Materia Collective's Design Team, I worked in tandem with Rozen to bring life to Materia's ample catalog of music products, from product design to digital assets. Several of my roles included: Graphic, Layout and Product design, cover and inner illustration, assembly of physical and digital sheet music books, Materia's Store Product Photography, and sometimes even English/Japanese translations, among many others. On December, 2021 I became a full-time designer for Firaga and Curaga Records.

Album Artwork Design

Mega Remix Man.EXE - Graphic Design

CARRION OST - Inner Illustration

Crest of Flames by Rozen - Graphic Design

The Keyblade War by Rozen+Reven - Graphic Design

Undertale LIVE - Graphic Design

VVVVVVinyl by Magnus Pålsson - Interior Illustration

Hollow Knight Piano Collections - Graphic Design

Conspiravision: Deus Ex Remixed by Alexander Brandon and Michiel Van Den Bos - Layout Design

Limit Break Audio - Brand Design

WIZARD OF LEGEND (The Complete Soundtrack) by Dale North - Product and Layout Design

Time and Space by Braxton Burks - Product and Layout Design

Hang on to Your Hat by Video Game Jazz Orchestra - Graphic Design

One Beat Angel by ROBOROB - Product and Layout Design

Parallelus by David Peacock - Album Design, additional Illustration

Sole by Nabeel Ansari - Album Design

Custom mockups for Materia Collective's Sticker Pack
As a Graphic Designer:
Murderous Pursuits - Album Artwork
DUALITY (Music from "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword") - Album and Layout Design
MEGA REMIX MAN.EXE - Product and Layout Design
Crest of Flames - Graphic Design
Undertale LIVE - Graphic Design
Limit Break Audio - Brand Design
Play the Game (Devolver Digital® Cinematic Universe) - Album Artwork
Conspiravision: Deus Ex Remixed - Product and Layout Design
Keyblade War - Graphic Design and Illustration
Hollow Knight Piano Collections - Graphic Design
WIZARD OF LEGEND (The Complete Soundtrack) - Product and Layout Design
One Beat Angel - Product and Layout Design
Hang On To Your Hat - Graphic Design
Parallelus - Album Design, additional Illustration
Time and Space - Product and Layout Design
Sole - Album Design
March Music Mania - Marketing Assets Design
As an Illustrator:
Journey of the Heart - Album Artwork
Aground Deluxe Edition - Album Artwork
Fallen Hero - Album Artwork
Towards the Sun - Album Artwork
Fuzzy Pickles - Album Artwork
VVVVVVinyl - Interior Illustration
Strings of Fate - Album Artwork
Metroid Piano - Album Artwork